Our Services

Dear Doctors/Health care providers,

Allow us to serve you, and you spend your precious time managing your patients. Your worries of establishing the practice, marketing, PR activities, Awareness and technology search are no more yours. From today we will take care of all your worries to establish your practice.

We will help you :

  • In Establishing your Antiaging Practice.
  • In Establishing your Obesity Clinics.
  • In Establishing your Aesthetic Clinics.
  • Developing peer to peer networking for you.
  • Online marketing (Web designing, SEO, Digital Marketing)
  • Online lead generation from our networks.
  • Field marketing (Meeting with General practitioners and Doctors of other specialties to create leads for you).
  • Print marketing (Helping you in creating your brochures, pamphlets, Advertisements).
  • News papers articles and advertisements.
  • Outdoor marketing
  • Releasing advertisements and articles in Antiaging Medicine And Research newsletter. This newsletter comes twice a year and has readership of more than 5000 doctors offline and more than 25000 doctors online.
  • Education and training through the conferences and Seminars conducted by "Antiaging Medicine And Research (AMAR)" and other Societies / Universities.
  • Conducting your seminars and workshops for patients and general population.
  • Conducting your seminars and workshops for General practitioners and Doctors of other specialties.
  • Project financing
Aging is inevitable yet modifiable.
Antiaging is not a war against aging but is a science...